Project Result 3

The BeAC photo challenge, an outreach activity to promote active-citizenship. 

Project Result 3

Project Result 3

Young persons will be involved in a photography challenge about active citizenship, gathered in a digital exhibition, based on the guide to implement a photo challenge as self-reflective and self-assessment tool.

This project result is a guide to implement a photo-challenge as selfreflective and self-assessment tool to be used in conclusion of their participation in PR1 and PR2 activities. Indeed, everyday, for 10 days, young persons involved in the workshops will be requested to take a picture representing practical implementation of the skillslearnt during the sessions, according to guidelines provided by facilitators for each challenge. The participants will be asked to record their thoughts while taking the pictures and later participate in a structured photo elicitation interview and a final focus group.

Finally, the results of each of the photo-challenges will be gathered in a digital exhibition that will be displayed in all partner countries to help young Europeans reflecting on examples of active-citizenship. The final result will be a manual on how to implement a photo challenge around active-citizenship with teenagers and young adultsin non formal educational contexts.

25 Ιουλίου, 2022